Reduce the Stress of Moving for Your Kids – by Reading

If you think that your upcoming home removal is going to be stressful for you, think about what it is going to be like for your kids. Chances are that they are much more attached to your current home than you suppose, and even if this is not so, the change of setting, the new neighbourhood, the fact that they leaving their friends and school behind may turn out to be quite a shock.

FamilyThere are many things that you can do in order to cushion the blow, from simple positive reinforcement to finding removal services provided by specialists with experience in moving families with kids, but we are ready to bet good money that you have not thought about books.

Books are proven to be a great way for stress-relief by a number of reliable scientific studies. They enable one’s mind to be more open about change, new experiences and the world in general. And, surprisingly enough, reading proves to be a great way to reduce your children’s stress about your upcoming removal.

There are many books that have been specifically written in order to help kids cope with the stress of home removals. We are going to bring to your attention several titles that have been given the best reviews.

If your kid is a little older, like 8-12 years of age, the great practical guide called “The Moving Book – A Kids’ Survival Guide” and written by Gabriel Davis would be the perfect read for him or her, mainly because of the useful advice that is to be found between the covers of the book.

Heather Maisner has written a wonderful account of the moving experience for kids from toddlers to the age of around 8 called “We’re Moving”. The book describes all stressful situations that a kid faces due to a removal and tells how to tackle them.

“Little Princess Story – I Want to Go Home” by Tony Ross is a great tale about what a home is like – not only brick and mortar, but family and friends, security and cosiness too. There is no better way to show your little ones that home is not where your house is, but where your family is.

“My Best Friend Moved Away” by Nancy Carlson is another of our offers. This is a picture book that deals with one of the major fears that every kid whose family is moving faces – the fact that they are leaving their friends and best friends more of everything behind. The book, of course, has a happy end that will help your 2-5 year-old realize that there are many positive sides to moving homes and things are not as grim as they may look like.

Stan and Jan Berenstain have authored the humorous adventure called The Berenstain Bears’ Moving Day, which is written in a light, accessible language and definitely help your kids aged 3-7 see the fun in the experience of moving homes.

There are, of course, many other similar titles that you can look into. By using books as stress-relieve, you are going to do two goods at once – you will help your kids go through the stressful experience of moving easier and encourage them to read.